Birding is one of the fastest-growing hobbies nationwide, and it’s no wonder. It gets you outdoors, it encourages travel and it’s effortless.
While Chesapeake, Virginia has always been a birder’s paradise with hundreds of species calling Chesapeake home, the spring is an extra special time to see a variety of rare birds. Thousands of birds will migrate through Chesapeake on their way further north while others will simply be returning to Chesapeake.
Hardcore birders journey to Chesapeake to complete their Life List. It’s possible to glimpse the Swainson’s Warbler or the Wayne’s Warbler. Both are sub-species of the Black–throated Green Warbler. Both are shy birds and rare to see. Of special note is the Prothonotary Warbler, a gorgeous colorful bird. You can also see Prairie Warblers, Worm Eating Warblers, and a whole lot more. There are about 35 different species.
April begins the great migration but anytime through June can be a good time to go birding. It’s free and the terrain is flat easy walkways and even paved roadways.
If you decide that you love birding check out Northwest River Park, Chesapeake City Park, and Great Bridge Lock Park where you can see the ground nesting oven bird, red-eyed vireo, and nesting birds such as bluebirds, robins, great crested flycatchers, and peewees.