Spring Migration

Spring Bird Migration

When winter's grip loosens and spring starts to blossom, as many as 35 species of neotropical warblers begin to fill the air with their delicate and charming songs.  And when the birds migrate through Chesapeake, so too do the bird watchers.  The Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge is a birder's paradise with more than 200 types of birds either residing here or just passing through.

Springtime is the most popular time for birders to visit the Chesapeake area.  The chance of catching a glimpse of some of the more rare birds, such as the Mourning Warbler or the American Pipit, keeps bird lovers coming back every year.

So grab your binoculars and some snacks and head out to the Dismal Swamp Canal Trail or the South Chesapeake Loop, which is part of the Virginia Birding and Wildlife Trail.  Take a stroll in any of the city's parks and you will likely be overwhelmed with the great variety of birds, some nesting, some stopping briefly on their long migratory trip north.  The Great Horned Owl, Acadian Flycatcher, Red-eyed Vireo, Ruby-crowned Kinglet and the Northern Waterthrush are just a few of the common birds that shake a tail feather in Chesapeake.

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