Mosaic Steel Orchestra is an ensemble comprising youth and young adults from the cities of Chesapeake, Hampton, Norfolk, Portsmouth and Virginia Beach, VA. Their inaugural performances during the month of July 2007 generated immense interest resulting in local television appearances on the WAVY 10 Noon Show, WVEC's Morning Show "Joe's Job", and WGNT's "Here and Now". Mosaic Steel Orchestra presentations remove traditional performer/audience barriers and transform every performance into a synergetic celebration.
Mosaic Steel Orchestra has many influences. From playing traditional Calypso and Soca music, to classical, swing, classic rock, R&B, and many more. Our styles continue to expand and change as the group grows.
Mosaic Steel Orchestra is available for booking of public and private engagements. Performance lengths are generally from 1-2 hours. Please contact us for pricing and availability.