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LOVE BITES Anti-Valentineโ€™s Day Party at Wasserhund Brewing


Roses are red, love songs are lame, join us for a party that flips Valentineโ€™s Day's game! ๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ‰ Our 'Love Bites' Anti-Valentineโ€™s Bash is the perfect escape from all the mushy stuffโ€”think heartbreak-themed mimosas, shredding your ex, and vibes that are *so over it*. Singles, couples, or anything in between, everyoneโ€™s welcome to celebrate (or commiserate) with us! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿน

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๐Ÿ’” Shred Your Ex Station - bring those old pics you hate and shred them to pieces
๐Ÿ’” Swipe Left Wall of Shame - pin up awful pickup lines & dates gone wrong
๐Ÿ’” Exโ€™s Unwanted Clothing Drive - got an exโ€™s hoodie still haunting your closet? Donate it โ€”because you deserve the closet space *and* the closure
๐Ÿ’” Bingo! Youโ€™re Single - play for prizes
๐Ÿ’” Photo Booth - equipped with heartbreak vibes
๐Ÿ’” Themed Food & Drink Menu

Event Info